Picking the Perfect Side Tables for Your Living Room

- Categories : Living Room


Featured item: Side Tables

Your coffee table is the hero of your living room. Got a case of floating furniture syndrome? Some exhausted Friday afternoon feet? Your coffee table is here to save the day! But every hero needs a side-kick. Or, in this case, perhaps two or three.

Side tables fit the role perfectly. They add character and charm. They’re adaptable and happy to pitch in wherever needed. They can blend in effortlessly while bringing a sense of balance and completion to your décor, or add a touch of pizazz without stealing the limelight. They absolutely deserve the award for Best Supporting Role in the Living Room category.

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Featured item: Gable Side Table

But choosing your ideal side table sidekicks is bound to present you with some questions. Dimensions? Placement? Style? Round, angular or ‘other’? Matched or mismatched? Side tables come in as many sizes, styles and varieties as there are actors looking for work in Hollywood, so we totally get the choice paralysis. But don’t worry, we’re here to play casting director so you’ll soon be on your way to finding your winning ensemble.

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On location – where to put your side tables?

This might seem like a silly question, but you want to be sure, don’t you? (That’s why you’re still reading, right?). Home décor, like real estate, is all about location, location, location. So, here’s our side table location shortlist:

  • The sofa bracket– place two side tables hugging the sides of a long sofa

  • The broken L – place a side table in between two perpendicular couches

  • The exclamation point – have one side table add the final punctuation next to an accent chair

  • The bridge – position a side table comfortably between two occasional chairs

  • The naughty corner – place a side table in a quiet corner of your living room

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Featured item: Side Tables

It’s all in the job description

It’s always ideal to have a clear picture of exactly what your side tables will be doing for you and your space before you go and get lost in the wondrous woods of living room décor. Every piece of furniture needs a job description – even if it’s just to ‘look pretty.’ Will your side tables be place-holders for lamps and artsy décor, or function mainly as handy surface space for drinks, remotes, phones and whatnots, perhaps with some extra storage for your magazine collection? Be clear on your side table’s job description, and a lot of your questions on sizing, style and design will be easier to answer when you head out on your hunting spree.

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Featured item: Emerson Leather Couch

Sizing up the talent

The size for your ideal side tables will come down to equal parts style and practicality. The following guidelines speak more to the practical side, but they also play into creating visual balance. Once you know what practical concerns will be important for you, you can go ahead and break all the other rules – designers do it all the time! At the end of the day, the most important thing is finding a look you love.

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Because most side tables tend to be used next to seats, the general rule is to link the side table height with the height of the armrest of the sofa or chair it’s going to be hugging. A table height that’s within a 5cm range of the armrest keeps things comfortable when you want to put a drink down or cast your eye on the Whatsapp message that just popped up on your phone.

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For armless chairs and sofas, a safe bet is to aim for elbow height when seated, or go with a shorter table that’s around the height of the couch seat. In most cases though, shorter tables are better suited for decorative displays or corner tables where you might want to place a taller lamp, plant or a sculpture.

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Featured item: Dinesh Nesting Coffee Table Set

It’s okay for side tables to be a little higher than the arms of the seats, but not higher than the seat back, or things will start looking awkward. Tables with staggered levels and nesting tables let you get away with a bit of extra height, as you can allow the lower levels to draw focus and create an interesting layered effect.

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Featured item: Voyager Side Table

Surface area

When you’re deciding what size table top you want, you’ll obviously want to consider the available space you’re working with, and what you’ll want to put on top of the table. The table should ideally be about the same depth as the couch to keep a good visual balance, though it’s not a rule. What you don’t want is an oversize table that juts out further than the couch. If you can’t find something that’s the perfect size, then rather go smaller than too big.

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Featured item: Side Tables

Getting in shape

What shape side table will work best with your space? Round vs. square is the traditional choice, and there are good reasons (practical and stylistic) to lean either way.

You might want to opt for round or oval side tables if any or all of the following apply:

  • You’re working with a smaller space and want to minimise the floor footprint while maximising on décor and practicality

  • Most of your other furniture in the room is straight and angular, and you have a square or rectangular coffee table – a few rounder pieces will bring a welcome contrast and help soften the overall look of the room

  • You have small kids – less sharp corners to worry about!

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Featured item: Cambria Side Table

You may rather want to go with square or rectangular side tables if:

  • Your living room is on the larger side – square shapes appear heavier and will act as stronger visual anchors to help punctuate your space

  • You have a round coffee table at the centre of the space – using square or rectangular shaped side tables will add contrast and provide stability for the space overall

  • You want to use your side table in a corner

Of course, round and square shaped side tables aren’t your only options. The nesting table trend has seen crescent shaped tables becoming more popular, while C-shaped tables provide a slightly different take on the rectangular-top which saves on floor space and adds an extra level of practicality.

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Featured item: Side Table

Styling & make-up

As we said before, it always comes down to finding a look you love. Everyone has opinions about what style works best where, when and why. But a lot of décor is subjective, and there’s always a good reason to break the rules and do something different – as long as you love the final result!

With that in mind, here are our some ‘styling and make-up’ tips to help you find a look you’re bound to fall in love with:

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Featured item: Samar Side Table

1. Bling it up

First of all, don’t be scared to go loud and proud with some bold or quirky side tables that strike your fancy. Since they’re not going to be centre-stage, you can afford to be a little more fun and daring than you might with your couches or coffee table.

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Featured item: Kanan Side Table

2. Cue the contrast

Ever noticed that just by upping the contrast level, you can turn a second-rate phone pic into an Instagram hit? The same goes for your décor. Choosing side tables that up the contrast in relation to the rest of your furniture in shape, material or style is a sure-fire way to add the ‘wow’ factor. Is your living area flush with plush, upholstered furniture? Try some side tables featuring sleek clean lines and minimalist design in metal, glass or acrylic. If your space is more modern in feel, you might bring in some Victorian or vintage side table jazz.

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Featured item: Side Tables

3. Make-up tips

  • For a classic and versatile choice, wooden side tables can fit in with just about any style and space. With a wide range of designs and gorgeous finishes available, you can pick anything from old-world ornate to contemporary, knowing that wood never goes out of style. Wooden side tables are also your best bet if you’re looking for options that incorporate shelving and storage.

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  • Acrylic and glass top side tables offer an elegant and colour-neutral décor element that will go with practically anything. They take up less space visually, will help lighten up a space, and also allow you greater freedom to experiment with your table-top décor. Plus, no need for the coaster police – which also goes for ceramic and stone table tops.

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Featured item: Side Tables

  • If you’re hunkering after the clean, cold beauty of a metal piece in your living space, side tables are an excellent in. Their sleek modern looks are both practical and versatile, they come in a range of finishes to suit your style, and they’re a great way to add bold contrast.

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Featured item: Kingslin Coffee Table

4. Mix & match – the do’s and don’ts

So, does choosing some side-kicks for your coffee table mean they need to be in matching outfits? Once upon a yesteryear, buying matching living room sets was the done thing, and there’s still a lot to be said for a beautifully coordinated ensemble outfit – especially when you buy a quality set that adds its own personality while blending with the rest of your décor. In fact, buying a matching set can be a great way to build your living room from scratch – you can add accent pieces and other unique furniture you love, knowing that your coffee table and side tables (and perhaps a TV stand or console table to complete the outfit) will provide the stable backbone that holds the look together.

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On the other hand, if you’re feeling even just a smidge more daring, the trend nowadays is to mix and match side tables, while holding onto at least one cohesive thread to tie things together. Here are a few tips to keep your mix looking marvellous:

  • The golden rule is to create a strong element of cohesion – this could be through repeated shapes, materials, styles or colours.

  • Stick to no more than two identical side tables – if your living room needs more, go for a similar look and feel, such as matching wood tones but slightly different designs.

  • Try to mix up the shapes in the room – your side tables could contrast the shape of your coffee table. You could also have the side tables feature different shapes, but keep them the same material

  • If all your tables are going to be the same shape, mix different materials to create interest.

  • If you’re going for metal side tables, keep them the same metal, but feel free to mix in other different metal pieces in the room.

  • When you’re mixing and matching side tables, it’s best to have them the same height.

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Featured item: Side Tables

Whether you decide to mix it up, or go for a classic combo, Cielo has you covered with our gorgeous range of beautifully crafted side tables, on point with the latest trends to inspire your space. Visit us online or instore and find the perfect cast to bring your living room to life.

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